Assembly games

Author: Mihai Pop

Clicking on the links below will take you to several games meant to simulate the challenge of solving genome assembly. Each game contains a collection of fragments from a sentence that are distributed randomly across the screen. Your goal is to rearrange the fragments so that they overlap and spell the correct sentence.

As an example, see the figure below:

Screenshot of assembly puzzle containing fragments in random order.

You can rearrange the fragments so that they overlap in the best way possible, as seen below, in this case by exactly two words. Specifically, fragment "the brown fox" overlaps with "brown fox jumps".

Screenshot of assembly puzzle containing fragments in the correct order.

By clicking on the "CHECK!" button, you can verify if you got the right answer, and see the sentence your arrangement of fragments is spelling. As seen below, the arrangement is correct (shown in green) and the sentence we were reconstructing is "the brown fox jumps over".

Screenshot of assembly puzzle after the CHECK! button was pressed, revealing the correct sentence in green

Now it's your turn to try out some puzzles. Start with the hard version and only try the easy one if you get stuck. Good luck!